Phoenix – Figli del Fuoco di Kathleen McGregor

Il volo ombra Spar08 precipita sulle pendici del Vulcano Spurr, nellโ€™ Alaska Range, dove, dall’alba del tempo, vive in solitudine Malik MacKay. Figlio sopravvissuto di unโ€™antica e potente razza creata dal fuoco, Malik rinviene una superstite tra le macerie dell’aereo. Phoenix, questo il nome che legge su un braccialetto di plastica, รจ una giovane donna dal potere immenso e incontrollato. Soprattutto, per Malik, lei rappresenta l’unica occasione di riscatto per la propria stirpe. E guai agli uomini che cercheranno di ostacolarlo.

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La sopravvissuta di Miss Black

Cโ€™รจ un trauma, nel passato di Helen Spiro: i sei giorni in cui รจ stata prigioniera su una piattaforma petrolifera, sequestrata insieme al resto del personale da un gruppo di estremisti. Oltre a quel trauma cโ€™รจ anche un incubo: il modo in cui la stampa scandalistica ha spolpato la sua vita quando รจ finalmente scesa a terra. Per sopravvivere ha dovuto scrivere un libro con la sua versione dei fatti e mettersi completamente a nudo.

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Dirty Daddies by Jade West

Some bad girls need a firm hand to keep them in line. Iโ€™m bad enough to need two. Two older men who can teach me a lesson when I misbehave. Two hot bodies to keep me warm in bed at night. Two best friends who can learn to share a filthy-mouthed little brat like me. After allโ€ฆ dirty girls need very dirty daddies.

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Sugar Daddies by Jade West

A sugar daddy website doesnโ€™t seem a sound basis for an A1 life plan, but Iโ€™m a small town girl with big dreams, and thereโ€™s this one advert, this one crazy advert I canโ€™t stop thinking aboutโ€ฆ
Two hot guys seeking their Little Miss Right.
Someone who can entertain them, amuse them, fit in with their corporate schedule.
And sex. They want sex.
Lots of sex.
Bonus, right? One major dose of epic win.

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Teach Me Dirty by Jade West

They tell me itโ€™s unhealthy, just a stupid crush.
They tell me itโ€™s infatuation, and will never come to anything.
Never mean anything.
Because what would I know, right?
I havenโ€™t even finished school. Iโ€™m just a silly little girl.
And no little girl should want the things I want from him.
No little girl should have the thoughts I haveโ€ฆ

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Call Me Daddy by Jade West

I didnโ€™t expect to spend my eighteenth birthday stranded in the pouring rain with no way to make it home.
I didnโ€™t expect to be rescued from the worst night of my life by the most amazing man Iโ€™d ever seen.
His name is Nick, and he says he wants to take care of me, says heโ€™ll look after me, says I donโ€™t need to be alone anymore.

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